Ending the Count at 27!

I’ll just stop aging! Hahaha! Come on, gimme a break! After all, it is MY birthday. The last one I’ll ever count.


Ok, not literally! I’d like to think I’ll be 27 forever! Hahaha! It would really be fun to be 27 for the rest of my life. Still young but considerably street smart and at the peak of my existence (past the quarter-life crisis dilemma). Ok, fine. “Rest of my life” too much to ask? What about looking and feeling like 27 for at least the next 20 years? And then looking like 30 for the rest? Nothing is impossible. Heehee!


This is THE best birthday I ever had. In fact, it hasn’t even started yet but I’m already overwhelmed with love! I can CONFIDENTLY say that at this moment of my life, I AM CONTENT. Happy. I have nothing more to ask for. I have everything I need! Everything! …EVERYTHING.


Ok, ok! I don’t HAVE everything but I’m happy with what I have. And that’s way better than having everything, right?


I consider myself one of the overly blessed people in the world. I have the most loving, understanding, most supportive, genetically healthy and good looking parents. They’ve never really given me a headache. Heheh! I mean, they’ve made everything easier for me. Let me go off to sleep overs and drinking sessions. Given me room to grow and let me make grown up decisions. Let me make mistakes but still pick me back up whenever I fail. They’re the only people in the world I know who won’t judge me. With how I turned out, I can tell you that they did a pretty great job! I am nothing if not for my parents.


Daddy, Mommy, I love you both!


I love my brothers too! True, there were times that I imagine hitting them with a baseball bat and they’d fly until no longer seen by the naked eye. At this point in my life, I’m happiest about and for them. Those three little pigs (at one point in our, no their lives they were fat) are part of my life and I’m glad they’re finding their own ways. Good ways. As long as they stay away from trouble and stay healthy always. I’m all good. Hahaha!


Jeb, Jap, Jireh, I love you! I know I’m not the perfect “ate” but I can be your friend anytime.


My Lola! The best ever and my favorite and only Lola in the world! You are our family’s guiding light! Thank you. For everything! I love you. (Yung mana ko. Hahaha! Kidding!)


Aunts and cousins. You’re the ones I come home to during big holidays + Lola’s birthday. Spending time and catching up always makes them worthwhile.


Friends. My consistent friends. People who are not related to me but are constantly there when I need them to, even when I don’t want them to. They’re there.


Naj, you probably know me more than I know myself. Hahaha! Hate to say it but you’re my “ate” figuratively speaking.


KG’s! Zarate, Tine, Bing, Ayen, Kelly, Cath, Gladys, Portia, Mila, Rosalia, Salamat. Cuz you’re always there for me. Arlene, Sam, Alvin, Alfie, Jonel, Karlo, Efren. Thank you for making high school and beyond fun.


Jessie, you’ve inspired me and you continue to. You really are the Maestra.


Albert, your smile always brightens up my day even if you’re far away.


Eywa, you help me more than you’ll ever know. Just by being you.


Susan, Odette, Khaye, Bujoy. You’re my role models! Thank you for your wisdom.


Babek, thank you for sticking with me. For being the best friend I can always have free breakfast with. Hahaha! Tan, you don’t know but you’re constant in my life too. Hahaha! (Hint! Hint!)


Marky, Hanny, Yosh. You are proof that twitter can build true friendships. You’ve given me advise and conversations that really helped me through a lot. You know more about me than most.


I’m so blessed to have you all as constant friends in my life!


I’m grateful for my optimism. It’s like a friend to me. It keeps me tougher through to tough times and best through good times. Optimism has given me so much to live for and be thankful for. It’s changed my life around hundreds of times and it’s always the result of something great.


Glen. The boyfriend. Let me write up an entirely separate entry why I’m blessed to have you before you take up all the space in this one. Hahaha! ^.^ (please refer to the next entry and prepare to fall in love) chos!


My new purpose. I’ve been wandering aimlessly in the stormy desert for years. Just when I prayed to God questioning Him what my purpose in life is, he gave me this. And I immediately know it’s His answer. I doubted, questioned, asked, listened, read, meditated and I keep getting the same answer. So here I am with a new purpose in my life. A purpose that will make my life meaningful; a blessing I can use to also bless.


God and His love is so overwhelming! My life have difficulties sometimes. It’s not all bed of roses but compared to the undeserved mercy and grace and love He is showering me with, I am stunned. Amazed! He continues to bless me according to His riches! I have nothing to worry about. With God, I have everything I could ask for. Everything.


My heart is overflowing with gratitude. I’ve lived a really good quarter-life. I have no regrets. Looking forward to the next beautiful twenty 27th birthdays next year and the year after that, and so on.Image

One thought on “Ending the Count at 27!

  1. As someone who’s just turned 50, but knows she is really only 32.. you’ll stay 27 longer than you think 😉 x

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